design | print | web | promotions

At FORMOSA GRAPHICS, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality professional photographs specially tailored to your marketing needs. Whether that includes stock photography, or images
captured by an associate photographer, or photography by Formosa
Photographics (a division of Formosa Graphics), you can be assured
that they will be picture perfect.

Formosa Photographics uses only high-end NIKON digital
imaging equipment to capture stunning images concep-
tualized specifically for your business.

With intense and diverse experience in Photoshop mani-
pulations and creative post-productions, any images
requiring colour corrections, quality skin retouching,
background changing, and item enhancing will be done
in-house. Photo restoration services are also available
to repair or enhance your older photographs.

  Wedding & Event Photography

  Product Photography

  Commercial Photography


© 1992-2022 Formosa Graphics | Sarnia, Ontario | 519-339-8189